Mission and goals
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Mission and goals

Stress sources are diverse and depend on individual social and geographical contexts.

Gaining a better understanding of these sources across the globe is essential for developing tailored interventions to mitigate stress and enhance resilience. Our mission is to connect national networks, researchers, stakeholders, and policy makers in a collaborative effort to advance research, facilitate exchange, and foster dialogue.

Mission and goals

The goals of the GSRNet are to:

Build a multidisciplinary network

of scientists, policy makers and stakeholders to foster idea exchange and integrate diverse perspectives into the research on stress and resilience.

Promote international collaboration

to accelerate discovery and ensure research applicability across various contexts, leading to innovative solutions.

Facilitate access to resources,

including research protocols, questionnaires, data and publications, to reduce barriers to knowledge creation and promote rapid advancements in the field.

Generate comprehensive research findings

to empower policy makers and stakeholders with reliable evidence for informed decision-making and effective interventions.

Foster dialogue

between scientists, the public, and policy makers to translate scientific knowledge into real-world solutions and ensure research addresses societal needs.




worldwide working on stress and resilience within the network.



with active networks and research teams.



published studies

in the fields of stress and resilience research supported by GSRNet.

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Join the Global Stress Resilience Network and be part of a global effort to better understand the sources of stress and promote resilience.